• Madani Nagar, Deoband, Saharanpur (U.P) - 247554 India
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Our Vision & Mission

Vision and Mission
F.F. Maulana Hussain Ahmad Madani Educational Trust

The Trust would like to achieve what Hazrat Sheikh-ul-Islam(Reh.) had desired in his massages (Maktubat)...

“It is highly desirable to establish as many Makatib (Schools) in villages as possible where the children should be taught the basics of Islam(as deliberated in the four volumes of Mufti KifayatullahSaheb’s books ‘ Talimul-Islam’) along with the minimum secular education like reading, writing, mathematics etc.
For those children who could not go to schools, facilities must be provided to impart education to them in the evenings. Educating the Muslim poor is the need of the hour. Hence this scheme should spread all over.”